Prof. Amezene Taddese

Prof. Amezene Taddese


Prof. Amezene Tadesse was born in Addis Ababa. He attended his elementary and Junior school at Hawassa Tabor Junior secondary school and completed high school in Hawassa Comprehensive secondary school with a very great distinction. He then joined the Gondar College of Medical Sciences (GCMS) graduated as a medical doctor with distinction in March 1995.

Hossaena Hospital was his first workplace where he spent one year as general practitioner.  In July 1996 he joined GCMS as an assistant lecturer and general practitioner at the Department of Surgery. After spending 3 years in the department, he joined the Addis Ababa University to start his post graduate studies. He graduated in 2003 and returned to the University of Gondar as an assistant professor of Surgery and specialist general surgeon. He did his subspecialty training at the Christian Medical College, Vellore, India in 2007/2008. Prof. Amezene then joined the Addis Ababa University, College of Health Sciences in November 2010 and was promoted to an Associate professor of Surgery in January 2015. He is fellow of College of Surgeons of East, Central and Southern Africa since December 2012 and has become Fellow of the American College of Surgeons in October 2019.  He also serves as Vice President of the Ethiopian Medical Association.

Prof. Amezene Tadesse has received his Higher diploma program in teaching a higher education in 2016 and his master’s degree in Health Professional Education from Addis Ababa University in June 2019.  In addition, he has attended numerous trainings and short-term courses. These include his attachments in Pediatric Surgery at Leicester Royal infirmary, England in 2004 and at Soroka Medical Center, University of the Negev, Beersheba, Israel in 2007. He was a fellow in Institute of Simulation and interpersonal Skills at University of Washington, Seattle in 2015. He also attended the Surgery in Austere Environment course in Manchester University organized by Royal College of Surgeons of England and David Nutt foundation in Nov 2018 and a Global Surgery course at University of Oxford, in September 2019.

Prof.  Amezene has been serving the institute he was working in and his country at large at different levels. He was head of the department of Surgery at the University of Gondar at two different occasions in 2006 and 2009, head of the Pediatric Surgery unit at the AAU for 5 years between 2012-2017, associate director of the Surgical Skills Lab and co-chair of the simulation center of the College of Health Sciences for 4 years.  He was also chairperson of the post graduate committee of Department of Surgery between 2014-2017 and chair of the Educational experts group of the Department since January 2019.

He is the panel head for pediatric Surgery program of the College of Surgeons of East, Central and Southern Africa.

His academic services also include serving as external examiner both for undergraduate and post graduate students at different occasions at the University of Gondar, Mekele University, Millennium Medical college, Arsi University, Hawassa University and Jimma University. He is a member of court of Examiners at College of Surgeons of East Central and Southern Africa and examined trainees from the region in examinations conducted in Mombasa, Kenya in 2016, Maputo, Mozambique in 2017, Kigali, Rwanda in 2018 and Uganda in 2019.

So far Prof. Amezene has published more than 34 articles and book chapters in peer reviewed and reputable local and international journals and six manuscripts are under revision for publication.  In addition, he is a member of the editorial team of the East and central African Journal of Surgery and Ethiopian medical journal and has been serving as reviewer since 2015. He presented scientific paper both in national and internal conferences such as in Harare, Zimbabwe, 2013; Calgary, Canada in 2015 and Toronto, Canada in 2018. He is currently involved in many collaborative researches and one of which is the ASSET project which works on health System strengthening in Sub-Saharan Africa. He is the Co PI of the Surgical platform of the Ethiopian Part of the project.

Prof. Amezene has received many awards during his academic and research career. This include the award for Best Scientific paper awards for presenting a scientific paper entitled “Implementing Ultrasound guided hydrostatic reduction of intussusception in a low resource country “by the Surgical Society of Ethiopia in 2017. He has also received Larry J. Anderson award for outstanding Public Health Science for the publication of “Evaluation of Intussusception after monovalent rotavirus vaccination in Africa.” N Engl J Med 2018; 378:1521-8” by CDC and National center for Immunization and respiratory Disease, USA. He is the winner of International Guest Scholars award of 10000 USD by the American College of Surgeons, Chicago, USA in 2019. His voluntary outreach Surgical Services on several occasions in Shashemene hospital and Bisidimo Hospital are also acknowledged.

Prof. Amezene is happily married to Dr.  Rahel Demissew, an Obstetric- Gynecologist working in the same institution. He is a father of 2 sons and one daughter.